Hepatic damage is a difficult condition to treat. The liver has great reserves and a good power of regeneration. Subacute hepatitis is one of those conditions in which there is no standard line of treatment which can be said to reverse the condition. In a few cases, some degree of clinical and biochemical and laboratory improvement may be noted after some time but in the majority of them hepatic failure, coma or other complication may bring about death. It would be the ambition of every clinician and research worker to have a drug that would help this difficult and trying malady and save the unfortunate victims from the ravages and complications of this disease.
In the first case steroids were administered along with Liv.52 for a period of four months. Steroids do not have a delayed or cumulative therapeutic effect. The effect of its therapy lasts only during the period of administration. The liver biopsy done after four months of the cessation of corticosteroid therapy showed post-necrotic changes (Microphotograph No. 2) but on subsequent continuation of Liv.52 alone for six months, the histopathological changes in the same liver regressed to normal (Microphotograph No. 3). Infectious hepatitis is characterised by diffuse, well spread, generalised affection of the liver and hence one could not imagine or envisage the possibility of accidentally finding a normal liver strip in the needle biopsy. The liver also became less firm and regressed in size along with the spleen. The clinical, biochemical and histopathological findings are very significant and noteworthy, unparalleled in reports or observations.
In case two, although the child showed good clinical and biochemical response to combined corticosteroid and Liv.52 therapy for three months, the histopathological picture showed post-necrotic cirrhosis (Microphotographs Nos. 6 and 7). Continued, prolonged therapy with Liv.52 alone for 10 months showed completely normal hepatic parenchyma on needle biopsy (Microphotograph Nos. 8 and 9) and marked clinical improvement with regression of both the liver and spleen.
In both these cases continued therapy with Liv.52 alone helped the hepatic parenchyma to regain its physiological function, improve the laboratory response to the tests and revert the chronically inflamed hepatic cells parenchyma to a completely normal condition, as could be seen from the critical studies of the microphotographs of the biopsy material.
1. Two cases of post-necrotic hepatitis are reported.
2. Earlier clinical response to corticosteroid therapy is observed but no change is observed in the histopathological picture.
3. Prolonged, continued use of Liv.52 helped the hepatic parenchyma to revert to normal architecture and the hepatic function tests to revert to normal.
4. Liv.52 tablets, administered for a prolonged time helped the regeneration of the hepatic structure and improvement of hepatic function.
1. Gupta, S. et al., (1972) Therapy of Infectious Hepatitis and Other Liver Disorders, Probe, 2, 93.
2. Mukerjee, A.B. and Dasgupta, M.: (1971) Cirrhosis of Liver – Results of Treatment with an Indigenous Drug : Liv.52, Journal of the Indian Medical Profession, 17, 7853.
3. Mukerjee, A.B. and Dasgupta, M. : (1970) Treatment of Viral Hepatitis by an Indigenous Drug – Liv.52, The Indian Practitioner, 6, 357.
4. Prasad, Lala Surajnandan, et al : (1971) Long-term Studies on the Therapy Hepatic Damage and Cirrhosis of Liver, Current Medical Practice, 12, 1071.
Refference: http://www.himalayahealthcare.com/pdf_files/liv211.pdf